
Investing in the development and application of Industrial Innovation.

Starting and supporting a circuit that produces Profitable Innovation requires adequate support from shrewd and visionary Investors, albeit prudent.

The Investment Program is divided into three main Phases which envisage: supporting the operational activity of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD on a European Scenario for INNOVATIONS DEVELOPMENT, as 1st Line of Business (Phase 1) – consequently moving on to the Investments of the new Manufacturing Companies for INNOVATIVE PRODUCTIONS, as 2nd Business Line (Phase 2) – then move on to consolidation and expansion on a Global Scenario (Phase 3) both for Innovation Engineering and Innovative Production Activities.

The reference Investor can be identified in: Industrial Investor, Financial Company (VC, PE) or Investment Fund. These subjects will be able to cover the entire Capital requirement or in partial form in independent association with other Subjects.

If the Investor is Industrial, he may be interesting to start an Industrial Partnership through the participation in the Risk Capital of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD which allows privileged access to Technology Know-How and Innovations. Consequently, Industrial Partnerships can be launched with the participation in the Risk Capital of one or more of the Manufacturing Companies and participate in Innovative Productions.

INNOVATIONS DEVELOPMENT (1st Business Line) – Production of Services for Product and Process Innovation:

INNOVATIVE PRODUCTIONS (2nd Business Line) – Manufacturing Companies established in Partnership between Industrial, Financial and Public Institutions:

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