TO-BE-COMPETITIVE-RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT-IS-ESSENTIAL about this News, click here To be competitive, resource management is essential… Cost Reduction on Industrial Products and Processes. audit about this News, click here Finding the right way, a good start... In the next six months, for the launch of our Operational Activities, we offer a free Technological Audit about your Innovation needs. DVM-SEA about this News, click here To reach the goal, the direction is vital... Industrial Feasibility about Innovative Products and Processes. Operatori-finanziari about this News, click here A Team of Financial Professionals with the same Mission... Financial Operators and Consultants for Investments in Innovation. meeting about this News, click here Our Teams are made up of creative "Talents"... We are looking for Young or already Experienced Professionals.

When we believe in a Project, we get to the bottom of it.

We promote Innovative Productions on the basis of an Entrepreneurial Idea that is realized with the establishment of Partnerships between different Subjects (Entrepreneurs, Industrial or Service Companies, Institutions, etc.) and DVMINDUSTRIAL LTD which directly intervenes in the Equity, together with its Partners.

We are thus directly involved both in the design phase and in the organization and management phase, using all the resources and skills of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD.

Partnership that
cover all
Innovation phases.

The Technical/Technological Skills of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD, allow us to define the most appropriate operations for the launch of new Industrial Initiatives (or restructuring), through the Activities of:

  • Innovation and Production Strategies;
  • Organization, promotion and establishment of Industrial Production Partnerships;
  • Organization, start-up and management of Production.

Innovation “with the highest Business potential”.

Among the first initiatives implemented, they concern the exploitation of some innovations owned by DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD “with high business potential”, which will be transferred to the new Manufacturing Companies, specially formed by DVMINDUSTRIAL LTD, in the following Productions: Special Equipment for Healthcare and Medical; Large Structural Components for Semitrailers and Self-propelled; Office Furniture and Wall Systems; Home Furnishing Components; Special Automation and Robotics; Equipment for Treatment of Urban Solid Waste.

We are able to organize and launch INNOVATIVE PRODUCTIONS on a Global Scenario, on the basis of Product or Process Innovations proposed by Entrepreneurs, Investors or Institutions – or on the basis of the Innovations owned by us that we have already developed and which are “high potential of Business”.

The Technical/Technological Skills of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD, allow us to define the most appropriate operations, participating in the “business risk” as the best guarantee for the success of the Industrial Initiative.

We are directly involved both in the planning phase and in the organization and management phase also with intervention in Equity, making use of all the resources and technical knowledges of DVMENGINEERING CORP LTD and our other Partners.

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